Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Husky Trials!

Anyone who owns huskies will tell you that they are special dogs.

Now I know everyone loves their dogs (those who don't should burn) and thinks they are more "special" than their neighbour's dog, but husky owners will tell you that having a husky is slightly more like raising a toddler than the next dog.

Developmentally, huskies are rated as less intelligent than your regular border collie and Labrador, but some have argued that intelligence must not be confused with obedience.  Indeed, I found this out myself, with not one but two husky puppies in our household!  Huskies are tres intelligent, but obedient?  Well, just think of your average toddler and tell me how obedient do you think they are?

Got a Regular Dog?
I reckon it makes for more interesting pet ownership though!  Luna and Logan both mastered the Sit and Stay easily, but every time I ask them to do it (before their RAW dinner is served) I can tell that they are making a conscious decision to comply because they know it is the fastest way to gobbling down their blood dripping morsels of raw meat.

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