Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Praying Together

I was inspired to post this after reading The Power of Prayer.
It has been almost a year since Mr Bauer and I committed to praying together.  The road has not always been smooth but here are some reflections.  I hope it can encourage your in your own prayer journey, with or without a partner.

1) We started off by praying together during our daily quiet time.  I'll admit, it was very awkward for me at first, having never dated a Jesus-loving guy before this.  I felt terribly exposed and was worried about being judged for my prayer.  It was however, quite easy to be disciplined with our quiet time because we were both in different countries at that time and had committed to regular Skype sessions where we discussed the devotion material.  We used Moments Together and occasionally James Dobson. Both can be found on Crosswalk.

I feel that this season in our courtship was essential in helping us to recognize and embrace each other as God's choice for us.  I remember leaving each Skype chat in awe that this amazing guy I previously only dreamed about was actually real, that I could share my most intimate lover, Jesus, with him and not feel condemned, neglected, or preachy.  I squealed to Jesus several times about it :)

2) When we eventually found ourselves in the same country, we started to include mealtime prayers.  This was a lot harder to keep as neither one of us had previously been in the habit of saying grace aside from hurried and mumbled thank-yous. We forgot about this countless times and even gave up on it for a while. Sometimes, I would remember, but would be too self-conscious to remind him.  This was probably because I did not want to appear like an over zealous nag, and also because I was not personally convicted of praying over our food.  Through encouragement from scripture and our quiet time material, saying grace comes to us naturally these days and we rush to remind each other to ask God to bless our food, while lifting up any other concerns we have.  It is a good way to count our blessings and feel content.

3) Before, praying together was very much dependent on how we were as a couple.  If we were in love, it was so easy to pray, but whenever we were upset or hurt, it seemed like the most impossible task.  I'm so thankful to my partner for being steadfast towards prayer and leading us to pray even though we may be in the midst of a most terrible fight.  I can't imagine how difficult it must be for him, but we both testify to God's amazing grace that dissolves anger and resentment when we bow our heads in prayer together.

4) It has become much easier to pray.  We pray over anything.  When either one of us complain of a headache or a worry, we respond less with human words, and more with uplifting prayer.  Having a partner pray for me is the most comforting and intimate experience to me because I immediately look to Jesus and not to my partner for strength, answers and joy.

5) Before meeting Mr Bauer, my prayer walk was not great.  Praying together helps me to keep a better prayer life and gives me greater confidence in our relationship.  It increases my attraction for my partner and reminds me to pursue gentleness and purity.  

Praying together may be the single most important thing we have done as a couple and I am so grateful that I have someone to pray with every day.  I trust and believe that this simple act will transform our marriage to be more loving, forgiving, and victorious.  Try it and see if it works :)

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